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“There are no secrets on the Internet”

If you are a person, business, trust, company or organization you are entitled to have your privacy protected. The Privacy Act 1993 and Official Information Act 1982 gives you the right to obtain your own personal information from other people and agencies who have collected and stored your information. The legislation looks at the purpose of the collection, the sourcing of the information, the way the collection is made, the storage and security of the information, the limits of its use and its disclosure.You have the right to access, erase, transport and rectify your information.  


GDPR regulations are affecting New Zealand businesses and organisations. You will need to determine if you are caught by these changes. The consequences of failing to comply can be devastating for your business or organization. If you engage with people or legal entities residing in the EU and EEC, you will need to ensure your business and organisational procedures comply.


While already complementary, Privacy Law in New Zealand is in the process of transition in order to align itself more closely to global changes and GDPR principles and practices. Prudent businesses, trusts, companies and organisations will anticipate these changes and act now.

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